
Running CDC with Sysmex XS 800i

This is the new machine that I use in Gribbles pathology.
Running QC in the morning before running patient blood sample.


Learning At Section Biochemistry =D

This is what I do at the section biochemistry in Hospital Marudi.
In the morning, I would do maintainance of machine biochemistry (Olympus AU 400). QC and calibration have to run before runing patient's blood sample.
There a some profile that available in hospital:
1. Blood Urea Serum Electrolyte (BUSE) which include sodium, potassium, chloride and urea.
2. Liver Function Test (LFT) : ALT,AST,ALP,TP, TBIL, GLO, ALB,DBIL
3. Fasting Lipid Profile (FLP): Cholesterol, Triglyceride High Density Lipoprotein and Lpw Density Lipoprotein.
4. Cardiac enzyme (CE): CK,LDH,ALT
5.Renal function: Na, K, Cl, Urea, Creatinine
6, Calcium
7. Uric acid
10. Fasting Blood Sugar


What Is This????

Moraxella catarrhalis  always fouund in sputum culture. For me, this bacteria is special because it's sensitivity test always done on blood agar.
"Okay, can u explain the morphology for this bacteria on the agar?" Question that always asked by Mr law when i'm in section bacteriology =D
 Moraxella catarrhalis's sensitivity test on blood agar. 

Share something about my favorite section....Bacteriology

This is Pseudomunas aeroginosa on MacConkey agar and Blood Agar, It was cultured on 08/11/2015 =)
Sensitivy test is done on the second day. Pseudomonas is the one of the bacteria that will show fluorescent on the Nutrient Agar =D Amazing



Meet 3 angels in Lab Hospital Marudi

1st time I know who is Mr Law and why my college scared about him. 不知道怎么表达, 因为如果没有他的出现,或许我还是一团不知道要飘去哪里的云, 至少他的出现,让我学会很多事情=) 千言万语也抵不过一句谢谢你,还有一些lab tech, 像是Miss Franscisca and Sir Mahdi, 对我来说,你们是最优秀的lab tech in my heart,剩下几天的实习,我希望还能在这几天学到更多事情...
我的Sir Mahdi =D
我的Miss Francisca =3